Method/Toolmen and gender equality
Aims and objectives
Founded in 2003 but working since 2000. Fiorenzo Bresciani created the Association of Househusbands, which already has 4,000 like-minded males who invest energy in home life, caring for children and domestic tasks. The group encourages men to abandon the idea that they are ‘warriors’ and to cultivate broader identities based on care, feelings, and relationships. The group is becoming more than just a gathering point for househusbands. It draws single men who once relied on the stereotypical Italian “mamma,” and divorcees who have never made a bed. It also reflects the broader demographic and gender-role shifts under way in Italy. The members of the Association often combine their new role with conventional day jobs. They have created their own range of branded accessories, including aprons and T-shirts. The AsUC belongs to the FEFAF- Fédération Européenne des Femmes Actives au Foyer